
Truck Paper Reconciliation Report

Truck Paper does not offer automatic updating of their inventory from the independent dealership system, like Commercial Truck Trader. This means that having a website inventory from an indepedent company like ours, requires double data entry. However, having an inventory from Truck Paper means having a search option, on your website, that shows other dealership's trucks, not ideal either.

We offer two solutions to address this issue. First, we can accept your truck data from Truck Paper and build your truck inventory from that data.

The second option option means you have a separate truck inventory from Truck Paper. Although not ideal it does mean you can have more information and control of your inventory than Truck Paper offers. Some dealers prefer this option, but that does cause a problem with reconciling Truck Paper's inventory with your independent inventory. We solved that problem by creating a reconciliation report that compares the two inventories and then reports the results. Below is an example of such an inventory. It will quickly and easily show three things:

1. What trucks are in the independent inventory, but not in the Truck Paper inventory.

2. What trucks are in the Truck Paper inventory, but not in the independent inventory.

3. What the picture count is at each location.

Reconciliation Report